Thursday, September 12, 2013



Ellen wants me to know she did it. Did something to me.
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I'm closing off.
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Someone got it.

My parents didn't prepare me to function in the world.
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You helped ruin the world, guy.
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People won't stop picking on me!!!!

They won't let me get MAD
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So, Tim Burton made the advent of racism+hatred and didn't succeed.
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What @ good ole fame?
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Ellen .. is following Helena Bonham Carter.
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Wow someone could see me as their're just in the dirt. It'll happen.
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I see nastiness from each parent.
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That's politics.

Obama can resign.
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I feel molested by a negro. Thanks a lot Tim for the unspeakable and Johnny for ruining my life.
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What @ every time I'm at it? I didn't do that shit.
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I can be upset. What's this, a place to shit a *** message????
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Control over the Chinese is shit.
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I'm no longer Daddy Barrett's little girl. He fooled w/the microwave. I already was grown and accepted friendship.
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Waiting to see what tweens do as they mature, what they CAN do.
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I was reading an article @ space..
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Howcome with Ellen her heritage she's so high @ doesn't flow? I'm not an ancestor. I might wish something like that. Not to insult, just something to go into.
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Schoolgirls turn cute, $ports.
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How do they 'make' certain kids skinny?
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Tim Burton still is playing @. No musical, no Charlie and the Candy Factory :D (:)
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Y do u assume all Ppl had perfect social interaction as kids..?
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Needs, Wants, and Desires

Tim Burton doesn't want people following his act.
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You're afraid my therapist is worth more than me.
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+ you are nitpicky
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The problem comes up.
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