Friday, September 6, 2013


Wonder if anyone will notice, hm. I have put deleted over posts. I guess when I get to it, tomorrow? Thing is didn't even call anyone anything, hope nothing comes up.
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The past is always serious? I guess you can't always fix it. What was I supposed to do? I was in a transe. I wish I were safe. I'm kinda relaxing, need to do stuff! Seems I can't rest assured. I mean sorry, was an accident. :( Are you okay? :( Well, talk to someone else safe to feel better. I was sad. :( Maybe, no one can trust me.
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Good night!
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Wale! (Well)

Well, that's a bad mistake to make.
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It just happened. Wonder what I can and should do. I try to use healing sorrow.
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Now, what? Am I mad? I feel disconcerted. Weird sounds. Yes, someone did my day wrong. Wonder what happened to them.
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Accident, Fate

My wrist lost the tendon, the right hand. :(* What do I have?
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So Upset, I was.. I go in like inner hysteria and have nothing in my life to realize how to fix it. Why not just do what you're gonna and not look bad later? Was I all that bad? Other things, too. What if I feel bad? Why does Ellen hate me for my dad's age like I am 63? I mean, she doesn't, but a few things I simply addressed. Why do others *feel good* I kinda had a getup. :)
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I am upset I feel punished on my weekend when it's a special time but not as successful as I thought. It made me mad that I was indeed made fun of in the end for that which I did not do.
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I started to walk @ happy, @ Ellen, etcm, like I have love .. and care
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Big Day

All for Ellen! Have a wonderful 1! Or is it Sunday or happen to be yesterday? I hope she.. Well, might want to not tell.
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Accidents can happen.

I felt I sliced someone's brain on the side putting papers in my bag etc. HELP! I must be Medusa or the serpent thingy.
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